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    From 1850

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    Oral history helps preserve the past by capturing stories that might not be found in official records, making it a valuable tool for understanding social history. Our audio-tour was developed in collaboration with a North American project called HearHere, who developed a method to insert personal testimonies in the street through a dial-in phone system.


    This HearHere audio tour was created when Esch-sur-Alzette received the status of European Capital of Culture in 2022. To accommodate the multilingual community of Esch-sur-Alzette, the audio tour is accessible through the local phone number (+352 20 88 11 31) in Luxembourgish, French, Portuguese and English. Signs with the phone number were located at the sites where the stories took place.

    HearHere HistorEsch
    Image for the block
    Image for the block


    This HearHere audio tour was created for the City Museum’s Urban History Festival, which will take place on June 8-9, 2024 in the Bonnevoie district in Luxembourg city.

    The audiotour is also accessible through the toll-free phone number (+352 800 81 292) with translations in Luxembourgish, French, Portuguese and English. Signs with the phonenumber are located at the sites where the stories took place.

    HearHere Bonnevoie

    to the research

    Your input is important to us because it will help to show a personal perspective about the past. Your contribution is valuable information to ongoing historical research in Luxembourg.