The steel industry since the 70s
Centre nature et forêt Ellergronn L-4114 Esch-sur-Alzette, Hall C
Presentation of current research projects
Come and chat with researchers Nicolas Arendt and Zoé Konsbruck about the diverse impacts of the steel crisis on people’s everyday lives and on the industrial cities of Luxembourg.
Program (6:30 pm – 8:00 pm):
- Welcome
- Zoé Konsbruck – D’Stolkris an den Industriestied: Krisemanagement a nei Zukunftsperspektiven 1970-1990
- Nicolas Arendt – D’ARBED am Spannungsfeld vun der ostdäitscher Transformatioun: D’Acquisitioun vun der Maxhütte Unterwellenborn 1992
- Discussion and a Drink
Your input (photos and documents) provides valuable insights into the history of deindustrialization.
The event will be held in Luxembourgish, but everyone is welcome!
Organized in collaboration with CNCI (Centre National de la Culture Industrielle) & Cockerill Mine Katzeberg