Crisis and Transformation of the steel industry since the 1970s
Our projects examine the multiple effects of deindustrialization in the Luxembourg steel industry between 1970 and 2000 and shed light on local and corporate responses to the profound changes.
Doctoral researcher Nicolas Arendt
Doctoral researcher Zoe Konsbruck
February 2024 – February 2026
Our research deals with the multiple effects of deindustrialization in the Luxembourg steel industry. Nicolas’ project looks at the ARBED company and its takeover of the German subsidiary Maxhütte Unterwellenborn in 1992, examining how the various actors were involved in the transformation of the company and what influence they had on the strategies and structures.
Zoé’s project explores the impact of deindustrialization on Dudelange, Esch-sur-Alzette, and Rodange by examining the plant closures, economic consequences, urban changes, and local responses. This provides insights into the complex nature of deindustrialization at the local level. Taken together, these projects shed light on the profound changes that shaped the Luxembourg steel industry from the 1970s onward.